Unclaimed Funds Finder – Avoid State Finder Fee Limits and Make 50% Per Claim on Real Estate Funds

Unclaimed Funds Finder – Avoid State Finder Fee Limits and Make 50% Per Claim on Real Estate Funds

If you’re an unclaimed funds finder trying to work around the 5-15% state limits on unclaimed money, you’re going to be happy to hear this news: there’s a way to work unclaimed money without being limited by those finder fee caps – and make up to 50% on every claim. Not an unclaimed funds finder? You may want to consider becoming one, once you read this.

State law limits finder fees to 5-15%; this we know. But there are funds out there that state law doesn’t apply to; and they’re huge amounts of money. There are literally billions in these funds waiting to be found by an unclaimed funds finder – and anyone can learn to collect them, right from their home office. These funds are overages from the sale of real estate, usually foreclosures.

Since these funds are generally created outside the state level, that means that until they are held at the state level, they aren’t subject to the same laws as the funds that go straight to the state (like stock dividends and bank accounts). In order for those caps to apply to funds, they generally have to meet the definition in the state code, which determines at what point the caps apply. Usually, there is a period of time before they meet this definition – and that’s when you can go after them for 50%.

On real estate overages, as you can imagine, that 50% can mean a lot of money – thousands, or even tens of thousands per claim. And the current foreclosure rate is ensuring that these funds are being created and will continue to be created. If you’re not an unclaimed funds finder, and this sounds like a great business to get into, that’s because it is.

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Briefly, an unclaimed funds finder working these real estate funds works on contingency. That means you help the owner get their money without charging an up-front fee, and take more in payment later directly out of the funds you collect. The owners love this arrangement – it’s safe, and no money out of pocket for them – and they never even miss your fee since they receive the money less the fee in the first place.

If you’re an unclaimed funds finder, get to work on these funds! If you’re not, seek training. Anyone can work this business, but it’s important to be familiar with the laws pertaining to finders and make sure you’re working the right funds before submitting your first claim.